Oh, no, I'm on duty
Have a drink
No, I couldn't
They'll throw me out
Do you dance?
Hold my bottle
I'll hold your waist
and we dance
Listen, this is ridiculous
It's nice, very nice
What the hell are you
doing here? Lost?
No such luck, bro
I got it in the leg same time
you got it in the head
My vacation's over
It's back to the bad side of
old mother Russia
They took us all from
our hospital
It looks like we're picking up
some of your boys as well
You want to come along
or are you doing alright?
Attention, men!
Prepare to leave
Oatbrook! Hold this truck
What the hell are
you talking about?
That's an order, goddamnit!
Rolf, what is it?
What's the matter?
I'm going back