Welcome back, Sergeant
You're back too soon
I don't want to talk to you
Leave me alone
Missed you, missed you, yeah!
My, my, my! What is this?
That's Zoll
That's a party member
It's a compliment of
Captain Stransky
He has special actions quote
You still a party
member Holibach?
Well, I'll dance with a party
member if I can find one
Hey, silence! Party's convinced
we're winning the war
Yeah, sure, we're
winning the war
I hope you've memorized
our serial numbers
our mothers' maiden
names correctly
I wouldn't want them to come and
rescue a wrong man, a woman or a child
I don't care what you
believe what you've done
Your duties to us,
the platoon and me
Fulfill those responsibilities or
you'll have our banners
up your ass, clear?
Yes, sir
I'm playing nursemaid
to Cersquot
Anyone volunteers?
Dinner, Steiner!
Not me
No time
Go along with Steiner
Thanks a lot
What have we here
a hawk and a hare?
I'll take it
Come on, have a drink
That's your bottle, cheers!