Some papers to sign, Captain
I'll sign them later
Stop that!
Be careful with my JJ
Yes, sir
Have her treated correctly
Sergeant Steiner reporting
as ordered, sir
Come in
Thank you, that will
be all gentlemen
Welcome back, Sergeant Steiner
Thank you, sir
Please sit down
Make yourself comfortable
Now that you're back
and I'm glad you're back
I think we should make a
fresh start together
but the main point is the
regiment feels or believes that
I deserve the Iron Cross now
And they've asked me to produce
two witnesses to the fact that
I led the counterattack and threw
the Russians out of their positions
I have named Lieutenant
Triebig and you
especially you
Lieutenant Triebig has already
submitted signature
You'd like to believe this is a
private conversation
That would occur to
you wouldn't it?
Alright, have some
wine a 37 Moselle
I'll have some
Thank you, Sergeant