Comrades selected Mateusz Birkut...
to be a delegate to the
Builders' Convention...
and later to the Convention
of lead workers.
And so men like Birkut became the
inspiration for artists.
A marble statue takes form...
a symbol of the heroism
of our bricklayers.
An art exhibition at the Zacheta
Gallery in Warsaw.
It is opened by the one whose
statue is the...
centerpiece of the showing.
Mateusz Birkut may claim with
satisfaction that:
"We have played our part...
in the revolution in Polish art."
They were its engine...
raw material, and substance.
The people were now on canvas.
Look at...
the degenerate
works of artists...
from the capitalistic west.
It's no accident they have removed
from the human form...
its shape...
and substance.