Something hot and loud,
that's a stunt.
Stupal was a stunt.
10,000 bricks in one shift!
Not some "We're building."
I hear you, comrade.
But records are once in a blue
moon, but we have a good crew...
good technology and organization.
In the long run...
Forget that...
Besides, you can have both.
Let's do a stunt for 30,000.
Comrade, you have two hands.
So does a bricklayer.
I'd have to give him two more.
Mr. Jodla, I don't know anything
about laying bricks.
What's the "three-man" system?
You want the short version?
It's like this.
A bricklayer used to work alone,
now he has two helpers.
And they lay 20 thousand?
Maybe they do, maybe they don't.
I've never seen it done.
That's what the papers say.
So give him four, six, eight, ten,
the whole association.
And I'll film it.
It was there, in Nowa Huta,
that I saw him clearly.