The thing is...
l'm wearing that horse's head myself...
all reined up in old language
and old assumptions...
straining to jump clean-hoofed onto
a new track of being l only suspect is there.
l can't see it, because my educated, average
head is being held at the wrong angle.
l can't jump, because the bit forbids it,
and my own basic force...
my horsepower, if you like...
is too little.
The only thing l know for sure, is this.
A horse's head is finally unknowable to me.
Yet l handle children's heads,
which l presume to be more complicated...
at least in the area of my chief concern.
ln a way, it has nothing to do with this boy.
The doubts have been there for years,
piling up steadily in this dreary place.
lt's the extremity of this case that's made
them active. l know extremity is the point.
All the same, whatever the reasons, these
doubts are not just vaguely worrying...
but intolerable!
Forgive me.
l'm not making much sense.
Let me start proper/y, in order.
Come on. Break it up. Come on!
...through this gate, into another field.
l couldn't see it.
But l knew l had to get through that gate.
lf l did, l could see everything.
All right.
-Take one, Mary Ann.
-l don't want one.
-Mary Ann, come on.
-Don't bother me.
-You don't have to listen to them always.
-l know, but--
-You want one, take one.
-Don't be so ignorant!
All right. All right, now. Settle down.
That's no good. Shall we smash it?