Do you dream often?
Do you?
lt's my job to ask the questions,
yours to answer them.
-Says who?
-Says me.
Do you dream often?
Do you?
-Now, look, Alan--
-l'll answer if you answer.
ln turns.
-Very well. Only, we have to speak the truth.
-Very well.
Do you dream often?
-Do you?
Do you have a special dream?
No. Do you?
Yes. What was your dream about last night?
-Can't remember. What's yours about?
-l said, the truth.
That is the truth. What's yours about?
The special one.
Carving up children.
lt's my turn.
What is your first memory of a horse?
l can't remember.
You have no recollection of
the first time you ever noticed a horse?
l just told you. lt's my turn.
Are you married?
l am.
ls she a doctor, too?
My turn.
What is ''eq''?
You shouted it out in your sleep last night.
l thought you might like to talk about it.
P/op, p/op, fizz, fizz
Oh, what a re/ief it is