Come on now, Alan,
you can do better than that.
So, doub/e your p/easure, doub/e your fun
You can doub/e everything, ro//ed into one
All right, good morning.
-What do you mean?
-We're finished for today.
-Only had five minutes.
-Too bad.
Didn't you hear me? l said, ''Good morning.''
Well, that's not fair.
The government pays you 50 pounds
an hour to see me. l heard, downstairs.
Go back downstairs and hear some more.
That's not fair. You're a swizz.
Bloody swizz! Swizz!
-Do l have to call Nurse?
-She puts a finger on me, l'll bash her.
She'll bash you a damn sight harder,
l can assure you of that.
Now, go.
-On a beach.
Where l first saw a horse.
How old were you?
How shou/d / know? Six.
-What were you doing there?
-We//, what e/se?
Go on.