Mr. Dalton?
Damn you!
l'm sorry, l can't help it.
l keep seeing it. Over and over, l see it.
Jill's had a breakdown.
-The girl who worked for me.
Complete and utter breakdown.
She'll never get over it.
Of course, she blames herself,
being the one who first brought him here.
-He was introduced to the stables by a girl?
-l just told you, didn't l? Jill Mason.
Excuse me for being stupid,
but was that his girlfriend?
How should l know?
No, he met up with her somewhere,
asked for a job.
She told him to come and see me.
-Piss off now, will you?
-Yes, l'll be going.
One thing, when he first appeared,
did he seem peculiar?
-l mean, odd in any way?
He did bloody good.
He spent hours with the horses,
cleaning and grooming...
way over the call of duty.
l thought he was a real find.
Apparently, the whole time
he worked for you, he never actually rode.
-That's true.
-Wasn't that peculiar?
Certainly, if he didn't.
What do you mean?
l mean, on and off, that whole year...
l had the feeling
the horses were being taken out at night.
-At night?
-Just odd things l noticed.
l mean...
too often, one of them would be sweaty
first thing in the morning...
when it wasn't sick. Very sweaty, too.
lts stall wouldn't be as mucky
as it should be...
if it had been in all night.
Stupidly enough,
l never paid much mind to it at the time.
lt wasn't until l realized
l'd been hiring a loony...
that l came to wonder if he hadn't been
riding all the time, behind our backs.