All right, l'll put her down for 3:00.
What is the name, please?
Mrs. Shawcross.
Thank you. Goodbye.
This is Alan Strang, Mr. Dalton.
You ever worked in a stable before?
-Can you ride?
-No, l don't want to.
lt's not extra, you know.
lt comes with the job.
l just want to work here.
You like horses?
Well, we can certainly use the help.
There's enough work around here
for six lads.
Four quid a day.
Saturdays and Sundays. All right?
-Yes, sir.
Now, l expect the place neat,
dry and clean at all times.
The main rule is, never pretend
you know something when you don't.
Actually, the main rule is, enjoy yourself.
Remember, 7:30 on the dot.
Horses don't oversleep, you know.
See you later.
This is Nugget. Come on, that's it.
He's my favorite.
This is a body brush.
You use it with a currycomb.
Now, you always groom the same way...
from the ears, downwards.
Don't be afraid to do it hard.
The harder you do it,
the more the horse loves it.
Push it right through the coat, like this.
Work towards the tail,
and right through the coat.
See how he loves it?
Giving you a lovely massage, aren't l, boy?
Here, you try.
Nice and easy.
Never rush.
Work towards the tail,
and right through the coat.