ls that because you don't fuck?
Go to your room. Quick march.
Give me those cigarettes.
Give them to me!
Now go.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
The boy's on the run, so he turns defensive.
What am l, then?
Wicked little bastard.
He knew exactly what questions to try.
Not that there's anything awful about that.
Advanced neurotics can be dazzling at that.
They aim unswervingly
at your area of maximum vulnerability...
which is, l suppose, as good a way as any
of describing Margaret.
Now, stop it.
-Do l embarrass you?
-l suspect you're about to.
My wife doesn't understand me, Your Honor.
Do you understand her?
Obviously, l never did.
l'm sorry.
l never like to ask.
But l always imagined
you weren't exactly compatible.
We were. lt actually worked for a bit.
l mean, for both of us.
She, for me, through a kind of...
a clear, redheaded, inaccessible briskness
that kept me keyed up for months.