''but living geniuses of place and person.
''Not just Greece, but modern England.
''Here spirits of certain trees...
''of certain curves of brick wall...
''of certain fish-and-chip shops, if you like...
''and slate roofs...
''frowns in people, slouches.''
l'd say to them:
''all you can see...
''and more will appear.''
This boy...
with his stare...
he's trying to save himself through me.
l'd say so.
What am l trying to do to him?
Restore him.
To what?
-A normal life.
lt still means something, you know.
A normal boy has one head.
-A normal head has two ears.
-You know l don't--
-Then what do you mean?
-Stop it.
l want to know.
Look, my dear...
you know what l mean
by a normal smile in a child's eyes...
and one that isn't, don't you?
Then we have a duty to that, surely,
both of us.
l'll talk to you.
You're going through a rotten patch
at the moment, l'm sorry.
l suppose one of the few things
one can do is...
simply hold on to priorities.
Such as?
Children before adults.
Things like that.
You're really quite splendid, you know that?
Famous for it.