''Chinkle-chankle,'' that's his mouth chain?
You can get up now.
Now tell me...
what is the stable?
His temple? His holy of holies?
Will you wash him, tend him...
and brush him with many brushes?
And there he spoke to you, didn't he?
He looked at you with his gentle eyes...
and he spake unto you.
-What did he say?
''Ride me''?
-''Mount me, and ride me forth at night''?
-And you obeyed?
How did you learn? By watching others?
-Must've been difficult. You bounced about?
But he taught you, didn't he?
-Equus showed you the way.
-He didn't?
-He showed me nothing.
He's a mean bugger.
Ride or fall, that's straw law.
Straw law?
He was born in the straw, and this is his /aw
-But you managed? You mastered him?
-Had to.
So you rode forth in secret?
-How often?
Every three weeks.
More, people would notice.
On a particular horse?
Let's do it.
Let's go riding...
You're there now...
in front of the stable door.
Go on, open it.