Stiff in the wind. My mane, stiff in the wind!
l'm raw, l'm raw. Do you feel my raw?
Feel me on you?
On you! l want to be inside you.
l want to be inside you, and be you.
Forever one person.
l love you!
Bear me away. Make us now one person.
Afterwards, he says, they a/ways embrace.
He showed me how he stands in the night...
/ike a frozen tango dancer...
inha/ing the co/d, sweet breath.
Have you noticed it about horses,
the way they'// stand...
one hoof on its end,
/ike those gir/s in the ba//et?
he's gone off to rest...
leaving me alone...
with Equus.
l can hear the creature's voice.
He's calling me out of the black cave
of the psyche.