Poor Frank digs into the boy too much,
but nothing in excess.
He's not a bully.
No, Doctor.
Whatever has happened...
has happened because of Alan.
lf you added up everything we did to him,
from his first day on earth to this...
you wouldn't find out
why he did this terrible thing.
Do you understand what l'm saying?
l want you to understand...
because l lie awake, thinking it out.
And l want you to know l deny it absolutely,
what he's doing now.
Staring at me,
attacking me for what he's done...
for what he is.
Mrs. Strang!
You have your words, and l have mine.
But if you knew God, Doctor,
you would know about the Devil.
The Devil isn't made
by what Mommy says, or what Daddy says.
The Devil is there.
lt's an old-fashioned word, but a true thing.
l'll go.
What l did just now was inexcusable.
l only know that...
he was my little Alan...
and then the Devil came.