that it was simply an aspirin.
He'll believe me.
Underneath all that glowering,
the boy trusts me.
You realize that?
l'm sure he does.
Poor, bloody fool.
Please, Martin, dear, don't start that again.
Can you do anything worse to somebody
than to take away their worship?
-Yes, that word again.
lsn't that a little extreme?
Extremity is the point.
Worship isn't destructive, Martin.
l know that.
l don't. l only know it's the core of his life.
What else has he got? Think about it.
He can hardly read.
He knows no physics or engineering
to make the world real to him...
no paintings to show him
how others have enjoyed it...
no music except television jingles...
no history except
tales from a desperate mother...
no friends to give him a joke
or make him know himself more moderately.
He's a modern citizen
for whom society doesn't exist.
He lives one hour every three weeks,
howling in a mist.
''With my body, l thee worship.''
Many men are less vital with their wives.
All the same,
they don't blind their wives, do they?
-Come on.
-Well, do they?
You mean he's
a violent, dangerous madman...
who'll go round the country
doing it again and again?
l mean he's in pain, Martin.
He's been in pain for most of his life.
And you can take it away.
Then that's all you need to know, in the end.
Why not?
Because it is his.
His pain.
His own.
He made it.
l don't understand.