l got your note. Thank you.
Also for the postscriptum.
That's the right word. My mom told me.
lt's Latin. lt means ''after writing.''
Sorry l didn't see you today.
-You were fed up with me?
Can l make it up to you now?
What do you mean?
l thought we'd have a session.
-Yes, at dead of night.
Better than going to sleep, isn't it?
Listen, Alan.
Everything l say and do
has a trick or a catch.
lt's the only thing l know to do.
But they work. You know that.
Now trust me.
-You got another trick, then?
-Truth drug?
-lf you like.
What's it do?
-Make it easier for you to talk.
-Like you can't help yourself?
Yes, like you have to speak the truth
at all costs, and all of it.
Where is it?
Let's see.
ls that really it?
Yes. You want to try it?
-l think you do.
-l don't, not at all.
Afterwards, you'd sleep.
You'd have no more bad dreams all night.
Probably for many nights from then on.
-How long does it take to work?
-lt's instant, like coffee.
-lt isn't.