Tarjeta de imigraciĆ³n?
What are you, crazy?
- You got those beers?
- Buddy, you're going downtown.
I'm not your buddy,
and I don't speak Spanish.
- That's what they all say.
- Because I said cerveza and por favor?
Everybody says por favor.
How about "vaya con Dios"?
Paula, I don't have the same shoes.
Honey, they're always
sending mismatches.
- Where are the falsies?
- In the box over there on the chair.
Just stick this in your heel.
That ought to do it.
And don't worry. After all, modeling
is nothing more but organized walking.
Hey, you're on. Come on.
I'm terribly sorry.
How much is this, please?
- $ 185.
- 185.
Miss. Miss.
How much is this dress?
It's a nightgown. I don't know
anyway, though. I'm sorry.
You don't know? What a klutz.
Who is she?
Some friend
of the fashion coordinator's.