Cool it. That's enough.
Wait a minute.
So you didn't work last week,
Mr. Harper?
- That's right.
- That's funny.
I caught your gypsy act
the other night. Divine.
Too bad I won't see you
for three years.
No unemployment for three years.
I can't believe it.
Look on the positive side.
They could have sent you to jail.
Unemployment's the only thing we had.
What am I gonna tell Jane?
I wouldn't tell her.
- Hello, dear.
- Hi, Mom, how are you?
We're just fine, dear.
It's so nice to see you.
How thoughtful of you.
Well, your father's waiting to see you.
- Hi, Dad.
- Jane brought us some flowers, dear.
Hello, Jane.
- Would you like a cup of tea, dear?
- No, thanks, Mom.
Over here.
I discussed your phone call with your
mother yesterday, after I hung up.