Islands in the Stream

I didn't work very much
when I was with your mom.

- You still paint, don't you?
- No.

Well, how come?
I wanted to try something new
when I came to this island.

You did that in Paris, didn't you?
- Yes, you remember Paris, Tom?
- Sure.

Remember how we used to shoot
the pigeons with a slingshot?

Why'd you do that?
We ate them.
Going to the café with Mother because
it was so cold in the apartment,

and the three of us sitting
in the corner by one of those...

- What do you call them?
- Braziers.

I thought that was what ladies wore.
Well, what do I know?
- Do I have to sit here?
- What's the matter, Davy?

- I've got a headache.
- Why don't you lay down.

- I'll get an aspirin.
- I'm all right.

- Go lay down if you don't feel well.
- I'm all right.

He's always like that.
Mom says he's going
through P.U. Birdy.

- What's that?
- You know, P.U. Birdy.

Like when you're 14.
--bring you the nightly broadcast of
Elmer Davis and the News.

Hitler, proclaiming that
the triumph over France

was the most glorious
victory of all time,

ordered a ten-day celebration
in Germany.

It doesn't make any sense,
me and Andy being here.

What kind of sense is that?
He doesn't care about us.
Oh, come on.
- German and Polish refugees...
- He's our father, isn't he?

- He's your father. It's different with us.
- Different?

What do you remember
about him, huh?

- Lots of things.
- Did he ever hit your mother?

- No.
- Well, he hit ours.

- I remember.
- So do I.

Boy, the fights they had--
You were too little to remember it.
Well, I remember Mom crying a lot.
I remember the night that he hit her,
and she screamed,
and how scared we were.

I remember all that, all right.
He was mean then.
He's nicer now, don't you think?

He hasn't changed.
Still a mean bastard.

That's what Mom always says.
Look, Dave, don't you know by now
