When you take the shop,
we'll do business.
Oh, that won't be for some time yet.
It's getting late.
I'd better be going.
Okay by me.
Drop in anytime, Dennis.
Goodbye, Griselda.
-Is that you, Dennis?
-Yes, Father.
-Come closer, Dennis.
-Yes, Father.
-What happened?
-My heart.
I haven't long.
I'm going--
I'm going to--
Throw up?
What shall I do without your
guiding hand, without your skill?
-Yes, Father?
I'll tell you...
...you're going to end up
just like that...
Who, me?
I know Mr. Fishfinger's
a successful businessman, but--
Because you've got no understanding...
...of craftsmanship.
No appreciation
of the beauty of wood.