-I don't understand.
-Don't understand? Damn ninny.
I'm renouncing you.
You're no craftsman's son.
Get out.
Out of my sight!
Griselda, my angel!
-Go away. We're eating.
-Is Griselda there?
-Is that Dennis?
-Yes, sir. Can I speak to Griselda?
-She's eating. What do you want?
-I'm going away to the city.
I'll come back
and claim Griselda's hand.
So you will, Dennis. Goodbye.
Griselda, I'm going away.
Say something. Say anything.
-Pass the potatoes.
-I heard that! You are in there.
Darling, I'm going.
I may not see you--
That's rotten!
For me? Griselda, you do care.
A keepsake, something that
will always remind me of you.
I'll carry this next
to my heart until we next--
Say bye to the boy, Grisey.
Goodbye, Griselda.