
What's that? What was that?
Good morning, Your Majesty.
Good morning, Passelewe.
-Good morning.
-And to you, sir. A fine day.

Your business goes well, I trust.
One doesn't like to complain.
Your own?

One does one's best, you know.
I hear you're opening a shop.
By the town gate. An area of growth.
I agree.
I trust we'll hear an order soon.

If your prices are competitive.

What's the latest wine-to-water ratio?
It's two wine to one water still.
It can't hold at that rate.

They're lucky to get wine.
Is that all? I detected a certain
oneness in the last consignment.

That's odd. It was robust when it left
my premises. Get a move on.

I'll send you a sample
of our new port--

Move it, you lame buggers.
That would be kind.

-Why has the king called this council?
-Lord knows. Get going, you!

I hear he is urged to take
measures against the monster.

Allowing the peasants to leave?
It could very well be. And that would
not be good for business. Move it!
