This is ridiculous.
The tournament must continue.
A champion must be chosen.
Bruno, the merchants
may be prospering...
-...but your kingdom's collapsing.
-Oh, yes. Oh, well--
Now hear this!
The king, that flower of chivalry,
that prince of monarchs...
...that paragon of potentates,
is going to speak.
Hear the wisdom, witness the wit...
...observe the oratorical eloquence,
lend an ear.
Beautifully said.
--to the mellow voice,
the tender tones...
...the coruscating consonants...
...of His Majesty, King Bruno.
Very lovely. Well, l--
--who is going
to give it to you straight...
...clarify the conundrums,
dazzle us with logic.
My lords, Your Grace...
...Your Honour, the king!
Oh! Oh, yes.
Bishop, how can you, a man of God,
say that the beast is good?
I welcome your question.
Indeed it may seem paradoxical...
...but since the advent of the beast,
church attendance has tripled!
Tithing has increased. Long lines of
sinners wait eagerly for confession.
-Piety has never been higher.
-Oh, bravo.
-Well, my lord bishop--
-Oh, yes.
The king will speak. The king.
Thank you.
-Kill that man.
What? Who?
Anyway, the most potent...
...most poetical...
...most prestigious--