Your Freundin.
Hotel lmperial.
A reservation at the Hotel Imperial?
- Ja.
- Thank you.
So good to have you with us, Fräulein.
- Who made the reservation?
- Oh, yes, uh...
Herr Von Fritsch, Fräulein Hellman.
He wants me to tell you
that everything is arranged...
- and you will be comfortable and well.
- Is, uh...
- Herr Von Fritsch in this hotel?
- No, Fräulein. He's not.
Well, how can I reach
this Mr. Herr Von Fritsch?
I do not know, Fräulein.
He came and went very quickly.
She's resting from the operation.
- Will you come tomorrow, please?
- What operation?
- Excuse me. What operation?
- She's resting.
- I don't understand what you mean.
- Come tomorrow, please.
- What operation?
- Come back tomorrow.
No, I will not come back tomorrow!
I will wait right here!