
doing something called anti...
uh, antifascist work.

Didn't she drop out of medical school?
- Yes.
- Do you ever hear from her?

Well, I'm glad you had time to see me.
You look so very slim, Lillian.
Thank you, Anne Marie.
Imagine, Russia. My God, of all places.
Where is he now? He keeps moving.
By the post.
He just stands there! He doesn't wave.
Let him stand there if he wants to.
We're goin' to Paris, Lilly!

Where's the wine steward?
- He's waving. Look.
- By God.!

He's tilting his hat.!
Does Julia live there, or doesn't she?
Well, would you give her a message?
Message! Oh!
Does anybody there speak better English?
Sprechen better English?
No. No. I want somebody better than you.
All right. Yes. All right.
Would you please tell her Lillian...

Lillian is in Paris at the Hotel Meurice.
- I'll be here for two weeks.
- Lillian.!

Then I'm going to... Just a second, Alan!
I'm going to Moscow,
and I can come to Vienna to see her.

Hello. Oh, uh... Just a...
