I want you to direct a statement
for the president to that effect.
General, pardon me,
but you don't mean that.
I will not leave!
I'll stay here with my boys.
Sir, you are the only man alive
that can save the Philippines.
They would never have issued
an order to this effect...
unless they intended you to mount
an immediate counteroffensive.
Damn it, those convoys
they diverted,
the troops and supplies
that never got here...
they're waiting for you
in Australia.
And if you leave now, you can
be back before the food runs out.
Sir, you cannot disobey
a presidential order.
The president.
Strange ways
destiny pulls men's lives.
We have to believe that,
don't we, Jack?
I can't even find
these supplies.
File that
goddamn requisition.
Yes, sir!