Well, Jim,
I have no choice.
I know.
If we get through
to Australia,
I'll be back
as soon as I can...
with as much
as I can.
I suppose I can't convince you
to go by submarine. No, no, no.
If we can break through, it
will demonstrate to Washington...
that this blockade
can be pierced...
if you have
the daring for it.
In the meantime,
you've got to
hold on here.
Yes, sir.
Cigars, shaving cream.
Thank you.
let the men know
that I'm obeying...
a direct order
from the president.
I will. I will.
When I return,
I'll make you a lieutenant general.
I'll be here,
or I'll be dead.
Good-bye, Jim.
Welcome aboard, sir.
Thank you, Lieutenant.