If he had tried to
hold out one more day,
we would've had
a dreadful massacre.
General, would...
Yes, yes, yes.
I suppose it was
just a matter of time.
General Blamey on line two, sir.
I can't speak to him now.
He'll call back later.
There's some talk
in Washington about...
a Medal of Honor
for Wainwright.
They want you
to recommend it.
Medal of Honor?
If Wainwright
received it,
it would constitute an injustice
to others who have done far more.
Send the following radio
to General Marshall.
"I believe that Wainwright has
become temporarily unbalanced,
and that his condition renders
him susceptible of enemy use. "
General, this training is well and good,
but it's not enough.
These troops are green corn!
They won't be ready for weeks!
All soldiers are green
until their first battle.
Excuse me, I don't even
have the transport...
to supply a single division
for 24 hours.
Hell, I can't even
land 'em on the beach.
Harding, I want action
from you, not complaints.