The garrison at Darwin,
up here,
doesn't have enough troops
to hold for more than 48 hours.
So our best plan, therefore,
is to show token resistance...
and fall back rapidly to this,
the Brisbane Line.
To the north, the enemy
will find only burnt offerings.
Meanwhile in the southeast,
we will throw everything...
into the fight for the cities
and the farmlands around them.
This is the living heart
of Australia,
and we shall defend it
with our lives.
- General.
- Thank you.
I've been deeply moved...
and deeply stirred...
by the allied efforts,
and by the courage and
determination of the Australians...
as expressed by
General Blamey, but...
as supreme commander of
the southwest Pacific area,
I will not be the leader
of another lost cause.
We are attacking, gentlemen.
I am going to make
the fight for Australia...
up here in New Guinea.
Hey, Joe,
whatcha doing out here?
You should be home on the farm
walking with your girl,
getting your chores done
and sitting down to supper.
Or maybe you should
be taking in a show,
walking down Broadway,
sipping Coke.
The jungles where we live.
It's where you die.
Bob, I sent for you...
because I don't think you like a stalemate
any better than I do,
and that's what we've got
here in New Guinea.
They tell me that American boys are actually
throwing away their rifles and turning tail.
That hasn't happened since
the first battle of Bull Run.
I want you
to relieve Harding.