
Sorry that I couldn't entertain
Eleanor when she was in Australia.

She enjoyed visiting
with Mrs. MacArthur.

You, as I recall, were
out of town fighting a war.

Oh, and, Douglas, before
we get down to business,

I'd like to take this opportunity
to present you with a decoration.

The Order of Merit for
Conspicuous Inspiration...

of the American People.
General MacArthur, we have asked you
here because the Joint Chiefs of Staff...

have been considering for about
a year, without a decision,

the next step to be taken
in the Pacific war.

The president has decided he
would like to hear firsthand...

the views of his commanders
in chief in the field.

Admiral Nimitz, would you please present
the plan prepared by you and Admiral King.

Yes, sir.
In our westward drive
across the Pacific,

the navy's
consistent goal...

has been to cut Japan's
line of communication.

Now, as you know, the central
Pacific offensives...

have taken under control the Gilbert, the Marshall,
and the Mariana Island groups.

In our view, the sound strategy
for early victory...

is to occupy the western Pacific
and seize Formosa,

both to control
the Formosa Strait...

and as a jumping-off point
against Japan.

Now, this means bypassing...
the main Philippine island
of Luzon...

until Formosa is secured.
After General MacArthur's

have seized
the southern Philippines,

the access of advance that
should get the highest priority...

is the central Pacific offensive
toward Formosa.

General MacArthur
could then move into Luzon...

and recapture Manila after
my forces have taken Formosa.

In fact,
with the fall of Japan,

the liberation
of the northern Philippines,

including Manila,
