will follow de facto, without
any need for force of arms.
We therefore propose
to invade Formosa...
at the earliest
And my planners
are convinced...
that a target date
of March 1, '45,
is not unreasonable.
Well, Douglas,
how does it sound to you?
I'm a soldier, and I'll
hold the horse if so ordered.
To bypass isolated islands
is one thing,
but to leave
in your rear...
Japanese troops...
drawing their sustenance
from the Philippines,
involves serious
and unnecessary risks.
From Luzon,
I can clamp a blockade...
on all supplies
from the south to Japan,
thus forcing her
to an early capitulation.
Therefore, I propose...
that we land
at Leyte Beach on Luzon,
and then carry
the fight to Manila.
Given a successful landing, aren't you
afraid of a long and bloody campaign?
With the kind of
performance and support...
provided thus far
by the navy,
I can be in Manila
in five weeks...
from the day my troops
step ashore on the beaches,
and well before
next March.
General, how can
you say that?
Because for two years, Filipino
guerrillas have been working...
behind the Japanese lines to
set the stage for our landings.
It's your position to know, but I can't
conscientiously agree with this estimate.
To take Luzon would demand
heavier losses than we can stand.
It seems to me
we should bypass it.
In my two years of fighting
in the southwest Pacific area,
and they have been
long, hard years,
fewer Americans have been killed
than in the single battle of Anzio.
The days of the frontal
attack are over.
Only your mediocre
commanders use it.
Your good commanders
do not turn in heavy losses.