Can you imagine what would've happened
if she had seen us here?
Oh, God! Have mercy!
I beg you, have pity for me.
Our past was beautiful, I often
recall it with pleasure, and...
But try to understand...
I... have no regrets, and...
I often think about you,
and I will always remember you.
But I will remember the former Misha.
In his panama, with a bundle of books,
with pockets full of tobacco.
And now you are
Mikhail Vassilyevich, the teacher.
You're married. And I...?
I'm Sophia Yegorovna, a married woman.
And I'm determined to do
something useful.
Serge very much supports me
in that.
Let the past be the past.
A student was in love with a girl,
the girl was in love with the student.
It's too old a story, let's not
mix it up with anything else.
Michel, wait! Where've you been? They
all got at each other's throats here!
Sophie! You know I was thinking...