New York, New York

Stop it.
Look, all right.
all right, all right! Enough!

Look. I'm going to get serious.
When I walked in there
and I saw you.

I realized
I fought this war for a reason.

When I was in my foxhole.
when I was, like, not knowing
whether I would live or die.

in the mud, dirty.
who the hell knew...
I didn't know anything.

Is it all right? Take only
a minute of your time.

Now, when I walked in there.
I knew! I knew!

You knew what?
I knew that I wasn't
gonna get anywhere at this table.

Now I'm impressed.
Well. I guess a little small talk's
in order here now.

Can it get any smaller?
I can take a hint.
- Can you also take a walk?
- You want me to leave?

- I'll leave right now.
- Bye!

You expect me to leave after
the way you talked to me just now?

Will you go away?
I don't want to.
I want to stay here
and annoy you.

Go away!
Look, let's avoid all this, huh?
Let's get down to business.

It's getting a little tiring here.
Give me your phone number
and we'll avoid all this.

Why don't I not give you my
phone number and we'll avoid all this?

- What's to be avoided?
- You.

But that cannot be avoided.
If you had one ounce of
a gentleman in you, you'd go away!

Well. I'm not a gentleman.
- Oh, well, that explains everything.
- Who said I was a gentleman?

Do I look like a gentleman
in this shirt and these pants to you?

Even a louse would go away.
Why can't you just
give me the phone number?

What am I gonna do with it?
