New York, New York

Yeah, the record producer
I told you about.

Now, look, maybe if...
That's another thing.
if you want to go by yourself.

possibly you and Ellen.
because of business reasons.

that's okay.
I don't object to that.

and I could meet you later.
that's all.

I didn't mean it like that.
I'm sorry.

Is it okay?
Yeah, it's okay.
Oh! Wait till I show you
what I got!

Look at this.
Don't worry about it.
Oh, honey.
You were looking at the words
to the tune, huh?

Yeah. I was.
And that's what you're gonna call it.
New York?

New York.
Yeah, that's what I said.
New York.

That's what you're gonna call it?
I thought since we met in New York.
we live in New York...

"My vagabond...
"... shoes are longing to stray
and step around
the heart... of it."

New York. New York.
It's, uh. "top of the heap." too.
And this is the final version?
Well, not necessarily.
I want to fix up some parts.

It's very good, honey.
Okay. I'll see you later.
All right.
- Have a nice night.
- Thank you, baby, you too.

See you later.
I can change "top of the heap."
Bernice Conrad
and the Paul Wilson Orchestra.

Oh, man.
What am I doing here?

Oh, come on, honey.
we promised.

You know.
I can't do it.
I can't do it, baby. I just...
