New York, New York

That's Hollywood
Lovely lady, gallant fellow
Meet one evening.
hear that cello

Troubles come between
But in that final scene
Count on a happy ending
By a river
Happy ending, on a mountain
Happy ending.
in a Broadway show

But, oh
The life I lead is less dramatic
Not remotely cinematic
Happy endings, far as I can see
Are only for the stars
Not in the stars for me
Pardon me, miss. I've a problem
And I wonder, would you help me?
Lost my glove.
and I could use your light

I was leaving, it's so silly
But I guess I
must have dropped it

All at once.
it seemed to disappear

Gee. I'm grateful, and I'd like to
Show you my appreciation
Maybe take you out to dinner
When do you get off?
I can wait

- No. I couldn't possibly.
- I can wait

- I don't do that...
- I can wait

I can wait
