Saturday Night Fever

Ask her.
- Fuck you.
- Which position?

Who's that guy?
- Hey, Teddy.
- Hey, Tony!

- How are you?
- OK, and you?

- Will you dance for me?
- Sure, why not?

- Hello, Lucille.
- Nureyev, how are you?

- Do you have a "77"?
- Sure, doll.

Give me one of your butts, too.
- They're having another sweepstakes.
- I know that.

It's double the prize money, $500.
Are you going to enter?
You'll need a partner.

- We won before.
- We're going to have to practise.

- We'll have to practise.
- People are coming from Manhattan.

- Revelation Gazebo, you know?
- We'll have to practise.

Let's practise, Annette. I don't mean
dating or socialising. I mean practise.

- Why not? We had a date.
- Yeah, once. And once was enough.

- Why?
- Why?

You only talked about your married
sister. And your other married sister.

And your third married sister. I felt that
you just wanted to be a married sister.
