Saturday Night Fever

I think they're afraid to.
Like I might say, "Celibacy".

Are you going to sleep here tonight?
In my room?

- Yeah, I thought I would.
- All right, I'll get blankets for you.

Frank, how come you left, really?
It's not easy to explain, Anthony.
A lot of things.

One day you look at a crucifix, and
all you see is a man dying on a cross.

But that's only a backdrop
to something else.

Mama and Papa, their
dreams of pious glory.

They turn you into what
they wish at the time.

You can't defend yourself
against their fantasies.

All I ever really had any belief in
was their image of me as a priest, so...

I guess we'll have to take
your picture down from the mantle.

You know what's weird? I always felt
I was the shit and you were perfect.

Now that I'm the disgrace to the family,
I'm not so perfect any more.

So maybe you're not shit any more.
Yeah, maybe if you're not so good,
then I'm not so bad.

