Right over there, across the river,
everything is completely different.
It's beautiful! People are beautiful,
offices are beautiful.
The secretaries all
shop at Bonwit Teller.
The lunch hours are beautiful, too.
They'll give you two hours for
lunch to do something related.
We saw Zeffirelli's "Romeo and Juliet".
"Romeo and Juliet"?
I read that in high school.
That's Shakespeare, right?
No, it's Zeffirelli, the director
of the movie. You know, the movie?
What I never understood
about "Romeo and Juliet"
is why Romeo took the poison so quick.
I feel like he could have waited.
It's the way they took
poison in those days.
- Are you eating? Here's the menu.
- No, I'll just have tea with lemon.
I've started drinking tea.
It's more refined.
Oh, yeah?
All the women executives drink tea
with lemon. They notice that I do, too.
- I like coffee. I drink coffee.
- Yeah.
I've only been with this
agency a short time,
but over there I'm functioning in
a kind of public relations capacity.
I fill in for the agents.
This week I had business lunches
with Eric Clapton at the Côte Basque.
- And Cat Stevens at Le Madrigal.
- Far out!
You heard of those restaurants?
No, I don't know those exact
restaurants, but I know the type.
- But you must have heard of the artists.
- No, I don't know... Not really.
- Why did you say, "Far out"?
- It sounded like far out. Wasn't it?
- Yeah.
- We'd like a lemon with some tea.