Right, and you probably
live with your family,
hang out with your buddies, and
Saturday nights you blow it all at 2001.
You're a cliché. You're nowhere,
on your way to no place.
- Do you have a stairway to the stars?
- Maybe.
I'm taking a course, and
next semester I'll take two.
- You didn't go to college, did you?
- No.
- Did you ever think of going to college?
- No, did you?
- Not back then...
- Then why bug me about it?
Why didn't you want to go to college?
Tell me.
Jesus Christ! I didn't!
The high I get at 2001 is just dancing.
It's not being a bastard or anything.
But I'd like to get that high
someplace else in my life, you know?
- Like where?
- I don't know where. Someplace.
Dancing can't last forever.
It's a short-lived kind of thing.
But I'm getting older, you know?
But so what? Does that mean I can't feel
that way about anything else in life?
- Is that it?
- We have to split here.
- No, I'll walk you the rest of the way.
- No, I'll meet you at the dance studio.
- Stephanie, I can walk you home.
- Nothing personal, right?
Come on, Stephanie! I can walk you.
Jesus Christ! You know...
- Where is he? Did you call him?
- No.
- What's the matter?
- Gus is in hospital. The spics got him.
- Barons?
- Barracudas.
- That's my fucking car!
- Give me the keys.