- Excellency.
- Captain, welcome again to Charak.
Ah, there she is.
May Allah's name be exulted.
I prayed that Princess Farah
might reach you safely last night.
- Has she told you?
- Yes, this morning.
But is it true, Excellency?
Let us go on board.
Oh, my beloved child.
Praise be to Allah you are safe.
Hassan, Boucheri, food and drink
for our guests. The rest of you, work.
So, you have told the captain
of our misfortune.
But is it true, Excellency?
Tragically, horribly.
We have consulted all the wisest men
and doctors from here to Alexandria.
- They can do nothing.
- Come, sit down.
Sinbad, you have traveled
to many foreign lands. Help us.
- Perhaps there is someone somewhere.
- Truly, my lord...
I will do all in my power
to help...
but what has happened to Kassim
requires skills far greater than mine.
It needs an understanding
of the black arts...
a great alchemist, a magician.
Wait. Yes, I have heard of such a man
if he still lives.
- Who?
- Where can he be found?
A Greek. Some say
the wisest man in the world.
His name is...
Hassan, you remember.
That's it, the hermit of...
- Maroof.
- Casgar.
Yes, a remote haunted island
off the coast of Phyrgia.
- Have you been there?
- No. Nor have I met anyone who has.
His deeds are legendary,
but he may not even exist.