Anything you wanna know about
the fascinating world of pro hockey...
Here we go. Hi there.
Jim Carr. What's your question?
Hey, Dunlop, you old fart. Why don't
you get outta the game and let some...
We're gonna spin some music
while we wait for our next caller.
Before you do that, I know a lot
of kids would enjoy coming to the games
to see a great veteran like Reggie skate.
While we wait for our next caller,
we'd like to remind you folks calling in
to keep your questions
within the boundaries of good taste.
What kind of broad is it that
calls up and says something like that?
- They're supposed to be our fans.
- Who cares? It's over.
Idiot McGrath and his shitty PR schemes.
I hate that cheap little bastard.
What are these poor fuckers gonna do
when they close the mill?
They ain't closing it,
just jacking the guys around
so they'll feel happy they got jobs.
- It's the old tactic, the mindfuck.
- Announced it today.
April 1 , they shut it tight.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- That's a big surprise.
- 10,000 mill workers placed on waivers.
What the hell
are they gonna do with them?
I don't know.
Every sucker for himself, I guess.
- Hey, who's she?
- Um... it slipped my mind.
Oh, yeah? Maybe your wife'll remember.
(ยง loud rock music on radio)
You're the best girl in the whole world.
Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
Ruby. How's my Ruby?
How's my girl, huh?
You're a sweetheart.
I missed you. Yes, you're a sweetheart.
Are you my girl?
- Beginning to like it here, huh?
- No. I hate it here.
I'm cracking up, you know what I mean?
- You don't look bad.
- Can't figure it out. I'm slippin' fast.
- I think you look fine.
- Slow down. You're making her nervous.
Jerry, I'd like to cancel the order.
- And there's another little matter...
- Hello?
- Hey, Joe.
- Would you hold it a minute?