Slap Shot

Oh, look at me! Here I am,
a no-good runaway hockey wife.

A dyke.
Turn it off! I hate it! I hate it, I hate it!
- I don't wanna watch it!
- Don't touch that television!

Sorry about the Chiefs, Reg.
I'm doing a tribute to the team on Sunday.
"Chiefs Fold: A Sad Commentary."

- Something along those lines.
- Dickie.

Something's afloat. This is on the QT,
but I think they're gonna sell us.

I can't name names, but let's just say
that there's a senior citizen's community
in a southern state

that's in the market for a hockey team.
- The Chiefs?
- Actually, it's Florida.

See, they're gettin' a bunch of old geezers
down there from the northeast.

And what do you think
those old geezers really miss in Florida?

I think there are
a lot of shysters in Florida.

Hockey. Their own team.
A Saturday-night game.

Those poor old people down there,
they gotta have something to root for.

- (crashing)
- You're a pussy.

Daddy, he called me a pussy
and then he changed the station.

Don't bother your daddy now.
Work it out amongst yourselves.

Baby, baby, baby!
Now, let me get this straight. A retirement
community has bought the Chiefs?

- Oh, no. I said negotiating.
- Well, that's not much to go on, Reggie!

Dickie, Dickie,
they've already built the rink!

They've dumped a lot of capital into this.
What they're really lookin' for
is a cheap deal on a team.

And since we ain't exactly
the Boston Bruins...

How could anybody in his right mind
buy a fifth-place team?

That situation is gonna be changed,
I guarantee you.

Watch your wing!
Hey, Hanrahan!
