There goes Jeff Hanson
into the corner. No, it's Jack.
17. I'll have to check that later.
A crushing check on the boards!
Things are really going on out there now!
Now Steve is in front of the net. I think
that's Steve. Yes. No. Yeah, it is Steve.
And I think that was Jack.
It was Jeff or Jack.
These brothers are stomping all over...
- You! Out!
- What?
- You! Out!
- Huh? What for?
- You! Out!
- No! No!
- Get your eyes examined, you idiot!
- What are you doin'?
- They're all gone!
- It was self-defence, for Christ's sake!
- They're gone!
- How much do you expect a man to take?
- Don't come near me.
- Are you runnin' a goddamn dance?
- (knock at door)
- Open it.
- Joe, who own the Chiefs?
- Owns. Owns.
Owns. Owns.
I don't know.
- OK. What?
- He don't know.