Slap Shot

- How'd you ask?
- I say "Who own the Chiefs?"

- What did he say?
- Owns. Owns.

For Christ's sake.
I don't care who own the Chiefs.
I hate it here.

It make me sick. My allergy,
puke every time, bleugh! Like that, puke.

You're a goalie.
You're supposed to be like that.

Somebody own the Chiefs.
We go to Florida and I get the money.
That's nice.
I don't like the way they cover their jugs
all up with the feathers, you know, Reg?

They are so beautiful.
They oughta cut the costumes up higher
on the thigh, so you can see more ass.

You make me sick
when you speak, Morris.

This isn't art. This is sex.
(audience) Ooh!
Ogilthorpe fucked her, you know.
It's true. I heard it from a couple of guys.
Ogilthorpe fucked the last girl
on the pinwheel of the lce Stravaganza.

That's her, right there.
(translates into French)
Get your butt in gear, for the love of Mike.
