# You heard 'bout the legend
of Jesse James
# And John Henry
just to mention some names
# Well, there's a truck-drivin' legend
in the South today
# A man called Bandit
from Atlanta, Ga.
# Every gearjammer
knows his name
# They swear he got asphalt
a-runnin' in his veins
# A foot like lead
and nerves like steel
# He's gonna go to glory
ridin' 18 wheels
# Oh, boy
# He left Atlanta back in '63
# Haulin' him a load
up to Tennessee
# He hit Mount Eagle
in a drivin' rain
# So hard he couldn't even see
the passin' lane
# Well, he started down the grade
when he lost a gear
# He hit them brakes,
found he had no air
# The Mount Eagle grade
is steep and long
# And everybody that seen it
thought the Bandit was gone
# All gone
# Well, his truck jack-knifed
turned completely around
# He was comin' down backwards
'bout the speed of sound
# A lot of folks seen him
and they all say
# He had his head out the window
yellin', ''Clear the way!''
# Well, he got to the bottom
safe and sound