It happens every time one of those
dancers starts poontangin' around...
with those show-folk fags.
Halfway down the aisle I said to myself,
''Jesus Christ, what are you doing?
His mother doesn't even have any teeth!''
I jumped in this car, and it blew up
on the side of the road,
and I ended up in this goddamn airplane.
What do you do?
I don't remember.
- Oh, are we on the air?
- Sort of, yeah.
You think I'm...nuts, don't you?
No, I don't think you're crazy.
I picked up three brides yesterday,
just like you, very subdued.
Hey, what...what's goin' on up there?
- Come back, Bandit.
- Bandit?
- Is that your name or your profession?
- That's my handle. Bo's my real name.
- What's your name?
- Carrie.
Is she wearing a wedding dress?
She was.
What's she wearin' now?
Come back.
Hey, you got peanut butter
or somethin' in your ears?
Tell me what that woman's got on...
her mind!
No coozie's gonna leave me
at no church.
Decoratin' up a whole town
at a cost of $40.
I can see her now,
runnin' back up that aisle...
No, she was dancin'
back up the aisle,
her knockers bouncin'
all over the joint.
Let go of that wheel.
Why, her ass was wigglin', too.
Why so fast?
You're late for a big bowling date?
- So, tell me about yourself.
- What do you wanna know, my sign?