Bandit, I've got a smokey report
for you. Come on.
- Well, talk to me, good buddy.
- You've got trouble comin'.
Well, what's your handle, son,
and, uh, what's your 20?
My handle's Smokey Bear,
and I'm tail-grabbin'your ass right now.
Goddamn. That's a Texas mountie.
What the hell's he doin' in Arkansas?
Well, let's just see what
he's got under the hood.
Bye-bye, baby!
You smoke much?
I just started.
- Cledus, you got your ears on, son?
- Oh, bring it on, you lucky devil.
- Comin' around you.
- Be careful.
You're gonna have to make your own lane,
'cause you definitely got oncoming traffic.
Be careful. Be careful.
Oh, my... Oh, my God!
I'm about to be killed in this...
in this moving CB radio show,
and I...I don't even have a handle!
You want a handle?
OK, I'll think one up for ya. Let's see.
- Oh, I got one for ya!
- What?
Just give me a minute here.
He done good, didn't he, Fred?
- Why?
- 'Cause you're always hoppin' around.
And you're kinda cute like a frog,
and...I'd like to jump ya.