Sabine was a young lady,
pure and virtuous was she.
Her master she served right well,
and ever so faithfully.
Until a certain day...
...there came from Treuenbrietzen,
a young man on his way.
False hopes...
...he fell in love with Sabine,
that simple cobbler boy.
A worshipper, a proletarian.
Enter poverty, he used up all
his money, swilling gin and beer.
Cheers, cheers, cheers...
Then he ran back to Sabine,
and asked for more from her.
He did this...
...she couldn't give him any...
...for she was a poor, poor girl.
So he went into her master's house.
Six silver spoons to steal.
Stuck 'em in his pocket.
He double-crossed her, the rat.
After eighteen weeks, the deed
came out into the light of day.
And the master raved and ranted,
and drove poor Sabine away.
Come here.