I'm so sorry. At any rate,
Now you're here among us,
So welcome to our academy. I'm miss
Tanner, one of the instructors.
Nice to meet you.
Come along. I'd like to
introduce you to madame Blanc,
Our vice directress.
She was a very famous ballerina.
-Madame Blanc?
Suzy Bannion, our new student.
Oh, yes.
-Excuse me, gentlemen.
-Of course, madame.
You're pretty. Very pretty
indeed. They're policemen.
I knew a woman called Bannion years
ago in New York. Carol Bannion.
-She's my aunt.
-Good! She's a marvelous woman,
A friend and benefactress
of artists everywhere.
I'm delighted to have her niece here.
Well, I offer our academy's official
welcome in the name of our directress,
Who unfortunately is not
here at the moment.
-She's traveling abroad.
-Thank you.
Albert, please wait for me upstairs.
He's my nephew. I'm very attached to him.
I must tell you what I
have to say very quickly...
Because those gentlemen
are waiting for me.
Something terrible, truly
horrible, has happened.
One of our students, Pat Hingle, who was
expelled just yesterday for improper conduct,
Was murdered last night by some
madman. It's a frightening story.
But I always warn our students,
Don't I, miss Tanner?
I tell them to be careful, not to get
involved with questionable friendships.
What I wanted to tell you was that
your room here isn't free yet.
-Just a slight hitch.
-Yes, but don't worry.
We've found you a place to stay with one of
our third-year students who lives in town.
You'll have to pay 50 of your
American dollars a week,
But it's a good price, and you can
deduct it from your fee here.
Now I entrust you to the care of miss Tanner,
one of our veteran teachers here.
Don't be upset if she seems a little
stern or surly. It's only her manner.
She's even that way with me.
She really is an invaluable teacher.
-Come with me.
-And now, gentlemen--
As you know, our courses last three years,
And you must pass an exam
at the end of each year.